A surgical mask, sometimes called a medical facial mask, is designed to be worn only by healthcare professionals during specific medical procedures in order to prevent airborne transmission of infections to patients and the treating medical staff. The purpose of surgical masks is to protect the nose, mouth, eyes, throat and esophagus from contamination that can cause serious medical reactions. These masks are often worn during invasive procedures in order to prevent transmission of infections from the patient to the medical staff or from the patient to another person who may be injured during the procedure. A surgical mask serves several important purposes, the primary of which is to protect the nose, mouth and eyes of the patient from small particles of flying debris, blood, saliva and other fluid droplets. A surgeon is most exposed to these particles when he or she performs operations on the face, especially when operating on severely injured patients. Large-particle droplets can enter the eye and enter the nose, which may cause inflammation and pain. Small particles may enter the nose and throat, causing immediate irritation and discomfort. In addition, large-particle droplets may cause splashes to occur inside the mouth, irritating and damaging the soft tissues of the mouth.
In addition to their useful functionality, these medical surgical masks have another important benefit: they help to reduce the risks of developing allergic reactions to certain fabrics. For example, certain types of polypropylene (PP) filters are known to produce allergy symptoms when exposed to certain airborne allergens such as dust, pollen, mold, and pet dander. Medical professionals who wear these masks may minimize their exposure to potential allergens through use of these filters. Another benefit provided by these disposable masks is that they provide excellent filtration and air purification, thereby improving the quality of the patient's air. Soft-cloth surgical masks are designed to reduce irritation and comfort. Such medical devices can be disposable or reusable. A soft-cloth surgical mask has a number of advantages, including the ability to prevent skin irritations and dryness. Many medical professionals today prefer these masks to standard cotton masks because they can be more comfortable and easier to clean and are more resistant to bacteria and allergens.
There are two different types of surgical masks: loose-fitting disposable mask and large-particle protective mask. The most common type of mask is the loose-fitting disposable mask. This type usually requires the use of oral or nasal splashes to prevent its leakage and thus its appearance. This type of mask is usually made of plastic, latex or vinyl. A wide variety of brands are available in the market today. These brands range in sizes, shapes and colors, depending on the type of operation the wearer expects to have done. The use of surgical masks has provided healthcare workers and hospital staff members with a better means of combating some common injuries that occur during procedures. While surgical splashes are used primarily to reduce infection, surgical masks can also prevent smoke from entering the patient's respiratory system. Smoking is known to increase the risk of developing infections, especially in those patients who are already susceptible to developing infections. The smoke from smoking can also cause irritation to the eye. Using a splashing cloth instead of water is a more affordable solution that will prevent smoke from entering the patient's lungs.